79 research outputs found

    Computably regular topological spaces

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    This article continues the study of computable elementary topology started by the author and T. Grubba in 2009 and extends the author's 2010 study of axioms of computable separation. Several computable T3- and Tychonoff separation axioms are introduced and their logical relation is investigated. A number of implications between these axioms are proved and several implications are excluded by counter examples, however, many questions have not yet been answered. Known results on computable metrization of T3-spaces from M. Schr/"oder (1998) and T. Grubba, M. Schr/"oder and the author (2007) are proved under uniform assumptions and with partly simpler proofs, in particular, the theorem that every computably regular computable topological space with non-empty base elements can be embedded into a computable metric space. Most of the computable separation axioms remain true for finite products of spaces

    Products of effective topological spaces and a uniformly computable Tychonoff Theorem

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    This article is a fundamental study in computable analysis. In the framework of Type-2 effectivity, TTE, we investigate computability aspects on finite and infinite products of effective topological spaces. For obtaining uniform results we introduce natural multi-representations of the class of all effective topological spaces, of their points, of their subsets and of their compact subsets. We show that the binary, finite and countable product operations on effective topological spaces are computable. For spaces with non-empty base sets the factors can be retrieved from the products. We study computability of the product operations on points, on arbitrary subsets and on compact subsets. For the case of compact sets the results are uniformly computable versions of Tychonoff's Theorem (stating that every Cartesian product of compact spaces is compact) for both, the cover multi-representation and the "minimal cover" multi-representation

    Computable Jordan Decomposition of Linear Continuous Functionals on C[0;1]C[0;1]

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    By the Riesz representation theorem using the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, linear continuous functionals on the set of continuous functions from the unit interval into the reals can either be characterized by functions of bounded variation from the unit interval into the reals, or by signed measures on the Borel-subsets. Each of these objects has an (even minimal) Jordan decomposition into non-negative or non-decreasing objects. Using the representation approach to computable analysis, a computable version of the Riesz representation theorem has been proved by Jafarikhah, Lu and Weihrauch. In this article we extend this result. We study the computable relation between three Banach spaces, the space of linear continuous functionals with operator norm, the space of (normalized) functions of bounded variation with total variation norm, and the space of bounded signed Borel measures with variation norm. We introduce natural representations for defining computability. We prove that the canonical linear bijections between these spaces and their inverses are computable. We also prove that Jordan decomposition is computable on each of these spaces

    The descriptive set-theoretic complexity of the set of points of continuity of a multi-valued function

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    In this article we treat a notion of continuity for a multi-valued function FF and we compute the descriptive set-theoretic complexity of the set of all xx for which FF is continuous at xx. We give conditions under which the latter set is either a GδG_\delta set or the countable union of GδG_\delta sets. Also we provide a counterexample which shows that the latter result is optimum under the same conditions. Moreover we prove that those conditions are necessary in order to obtain that the set of points of continuity of FF is Borel i.e., we show that if we drop some of the previous conditions then there is a multi-valued function FF whose graph is a Borel set and the set of points of continuity of FF is not a Borel set. Finally we give some analogous results regarding a stronger notion of continuity for a multi-valued function. This article is motivated by a question of M. Ziegler in [{\em Real Computation with Least Discrete Advice: A Complexity Theory of Nonuniform Computability with Applications to Linear Algebra}, {\sl submitted}].Comment: 22 page

    Representations of measurable sets in computable measure theory

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    This article is a fundamental study in computable measure theory. We use the framework of TTE, the representation approach, where computability on an abstract set X is defined by representing its elements with concrete "names", possibly countably infinite, over some alphabet {\Sigma}. As a basic computability structure we consider a computable measure on a computable σ\sigma-algebra. We introduce and compare w.r.t. reducibility several natural representations of measurable sets. They are admissible and generally form four different equivalence classes. We then compare our representations with those introduced by Y. Wu and D. Ding in 2005 and 2006 and claim that one of our representations is the most useful one for studying computability on measurable functions

    Randomness extraction and asymptotic Hamming distance

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    We obtain a non-implication result in the Medvedev degrees by studying sequences that are close to Martin-L\"of random in asymptotic Hamming distance. Our result is that the class of stochastically bi-immune sets is not Medvedev reducible to the class of sets having complex packing dimension 1

    Computable Separation in Topology, from T_0 to T_3

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    This article continues the study of computable elementary topology started in (Weihrauch, Grubba 2009). We introduce a number of computable versions of the topological T0T_0 to T3T_3 separation axioms and solve their logical relation completely. In particular, it turns out that computable T1T_1 is equivalent to computable T2T_2. The strongest axiom SCT3SCT_3 is used in (Grubba, Schroeder, Weihrauch 2007) to construct a computable metric

    Computable Riesz Representation for the Dual of C[0;1]

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    AbstractBy the Riesz representation theorem for the dual of C[0;1], for every continuous linear operator F:C[0;1]→R there is a function g:[0;1]→R of bounded variation such thatF(f)=∫fdg(f∈C[0;1]). The function g can be normalized such that V(g)=‖F‖. In this paper we prove a computable version of this theorem. We use the framework of TTE, the representation approach to computable analysis, which allows to define natural computability for a variety of operators. We show that there are a computable operator S mapping g and an upper bound of its variation to F and a computable operator S′ mapping F and its norm to some appropriate g
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